Exploring the Golang Builtin — Sync

Dive into the details of the built-in sync package in Go

3 min readJun 5, 2023

Concurrency is a critical aspect of modern software development, and Go provides a powerful set of tools to handle concurrent operations effectively. One of the key packages in the Go standard library is sync, which offers synchronization primitives to manage concurrent access to shared resources.

In this article, we will delve into the various components of the sync package and explore how they can be utilized to write efficient and reliable concurrent code in Go.

Mutex: Ensuring Mutual Exclusion

The sync.Mutex type allows us to protect critical sections of code by ensuring that only one go-routine can access the protected resource at a time.

WaitGroup: Synchronizing Go-routines

The sync.WaitGroup type provides a mechanism to wait for a group of go-routines to complete their execution before proceeding. We will learn how to use WaitGroup to coordinate multiple go-routines and ensure that the main program waits for all go-routines to finish before continuing its execution.

Cond: Signaling and Waiting

The sync.Cond type allows go-routines to wait for a specific condition to become true before proceeding.

A condition variable is associated with a sync.Mutex or sync.RWMutex and provides methods to wait for the condition and signal when the condition is met. It is commonly used in concurrent programming to coordinate the execution of multiple go-routines

Once: Initialization Once

The sync.Once type guarantees that a specific initialization function is executed only once, regardless of the number of go-routines calling it.

RWMutex: Optimizing Read/Write Access

The sync.RWMutex type provides a read/write lock, allowing multiple go-routines to read a shared resource simultaneously or ensuring exclusive access for writing.

Map : concurrent-safe map

It represents a concurrent-safe map. It is designed for concurrent access from multiple go-routines without the need for explicit locking or synchronization.

The sync.Map type is safe for concurrent access because it internally handles the synchronization required for concurrent read and write operations. The map uses fine-grained locking and atomic operations to ensure safe access and modification of its internal data structure.

Pool : A pool of reusable objects

A Pool is a set of temporary objects that may be individually saved and retrieved. It is designed to improve performance and reduce memory allocations by recycling and reusing objects instead of creating new ones.

Pool’s purpose is to cache allocated but unused items for later reuse, relieving pressure on the garbage collector. That is, it makes it easy to build efficient, thread-safe free lists. However, it is not suitable for all free lists.


The sync package is an essential part of Go's standard library and offers powerful tools for handling concurrency and synchronization. By leveraging these primitives, developers can write safe, efficient, and scalable concurrent code.

In conclusion, the sync package in Go provides a rich set of synchronization primitives that enable developers to handle concurrency and ensure thread safety. Understanding and utilizing these primitives can greatly enhance the reliability and performance of concurrent Go programs

I hope this article helps. Thank you so much for reading. :)





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